I am Jacob...Wanna Wrestle?
I recently read a Charles Stanley devotional from
www.crosswalk.com and it spoke a mountain into my life.
You see, I was recenty accepted into Keynote,
Campus Crusade for Christ's music ministry.
I'm in the process of raising my support, and upon reaching 100%
I'll move to Indianapolis and begin my service.
I must confess that I've been wrestling with the thought of going.
There are times when I don't want to leave Houston, First Baptist,
and all that has been familiar and comfortable to me the past 12 years.
I've also been asking myself the following questions...
"Did God really call me here or did I selfishly manufacture this process?"
Anyway, this devotional came to my inbox today, and it spoke volumes to me.
It's always amazing how God's timing is never late, but always perfect.
In a fish’s belly, Jonah recommitted himself to the Lord’s purpose. But the popular Bible story about the consequences of disobedience doesn’t end with Jonah obeying God. The book actually concludes with him acknowledging why he didn’t want the job — and with the Lord chastising him for his selfish reasons. You see, Jonah was afraid that the Ninevites, who were a threat to the Jewish people, might actually repent, and then his merciful God would not destroy them. The reluctant prophet admitted he wanted to see them wiped out: “Therefore in order to forestall [their salvation] I fled to Tarshish” (Jonah 4:2). When the Lord relented, Jonah’s trip became a success to everyone but him.
Believers resist doing God’s will for many reasons — fear, feelings of inadequacy, etc. Sometimes, although we don’t like to confess this, we say no because we dislike the probable outcome of obedience. As Jonah did, we also can lose sight of spiritually important things and focus on our own desires and comfort.
Our unhappiness with what we think might happen is not a reason to resist God’s plan. If the Lord calls us to act, He will take care of the end results. Our job is to obey.
What form of selfishness is keeping you from obeying the Lord? Maybe you are too angry with your spouse to work on your marriage or too hurt to welcome back a repentant child. But we are not to be ruled by our feelings, no matter how strong they are. Obedience is required of you. The final results may surprise you, particularly how blessed you will be for having followed God.
www.crosswalk.com and it spoke a mountain into my life.
You see, I was recenty accepted into Keynote,
Campus Crusade for Christ's music ministry.
I'm in the process of raising my support, and upon reaching 100%
I'll move to Indianapolis and begin my service.
I must confess that I've been wrestling with the thought of going.
There are times when I don't want to leave Houston, First Baptist,
and all that has been familiar and comfortable to me the past 12 years.
I've also been asking myself the following questions...
"Did God really call me here or did I selfishly manufacture this process?"
Anyway, this devotional came to my inbox today, and it spoke volumes to me.
It's always amazing how God's timing is never late, but always perfect.
In a fish’s belly, Jonah recommitted himself to the Lord’s purpose. But the popular Bible story about the consequences of disobedience doesn’t end with Jonah obeying God. The book actually concludes with him acknowledging why he didn’t want the job — and with the Lord chastising him for his selfish reasons. You see, Jonah was afraid that the Ninevites, who were a threat to the Jewish people, might actually repent, and then his merciful God would not destroy them. The reluctant prophet admitted he wanted to see them wiped out: “Therefore in order to forestall [their salvation] I fled to Tarshish” (Jonah 4:2). When the Lord relented, Jonah’s trip became a success to everyone but him.
Believers resist doing God’s will for many reasons — fear, feelings of inadequacy, etc. Sometimes, although we don’t like to confess this, we say no because we dislike the probable outcome of obedience. As Jonah did, we also can lose sight of spiritually important things and focus on our own desires and comfort.
Our unhappiness with what we think might happen is not a reason to resist God’s plan. If the Lord calls us to act, He will take care of the end results. Our job is to obey.
What form of selfishness is keeping you from obeying the Lord? Maybe you are too angry with your spouse to work on your marriage or too hurt to welcome back a repentant child. But we are not to be ruled by our feelings, no matter how strong they are. Obedience is required of you. The final results may surprise you, particularly how blessed you will be for having followed God.
So true, so true... I find it amazing (and disgusting) how much my "own desires and comfort" often seem sooooo much more important than spiritual purposes when God is asking me - or telling me - to do something that I don't want to.
But... praise the Lord He never loses patience with us, and is always teaching us and helping us to be better at obedience!
Wow, I know how you feel and have had almost the exact same thought myself ("Did God really call me here or did I selfishly manufacture this process?"). Thanks for sharing the devotional; it reminded me what my real job is.
Sarah, no problem on the sharing. Glad it spoke to you. BTW, where have we met before? Forgive me, but I'm drawing a blank.
I married Stan's old roommate, Scott, and moved way up here to Dallas. You'd know me if you saw my face. :)
I know you! :)
Thank you for replying.
Tell Mr. Rylie I said howdy!
I'll have to give y'all a call next time I'm in Big D.
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